Relax & Restore Your Body

Massage can heal and restore the body, mind, and spirit. Every session you have with Christine will be customized to your needs, whether it be rehabilitative, therapeutic, or restorative. 


Signature massage

Christine's signature massage blends various styles in order to provide a customized unique massage for each client. Since the needs of the client will constantly evolve, the massage will also change from time to time. Elements of myofascial, triggerpoint, swedish, craniosacral and meridian work utilizing both Thai yoga and Shiatsu to customizing for the optimal results.


Table thai yoga massage

Thai yoga massage is an eastern form of therapy combining acupressure, asanas, stretching, palming, thumbing, and gentle twisting. In order to achieve muscle compression and joint mobilization, practitioners incorporate their palms, thumbs, forearms, knees, and feet. Thai yoga massage can be both relaxing and energizing. Massages typically begin with the feet and work towards the head in order to help circulate energy through the sen lines. Thai massage can reduce stress, decrease pain, boost immunity and make you happier. These are some of the many benefits experienced from a Thai massage. These sessions are clothed (yoga-appropriate clothing) and modified for the table.


PREnatal anD Postpartum Massage

There are many benefits to prenatal massage. Most notable is the impact to the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system, enabling rest and digestion. In a relaxed state the heart rate and blood pressure stabilize allowing for optimal flow of blood to the uterus, placenta and fetus. Relaxation can improve the emotional state by reduce fear and anxiety surrounding the birth. This can help a client listen to her body's subtle cues in response to the physiological changes experienced during pregnancy. 

Massage is beneficial during the first stage of Labor as well as during Postpartum. Post birth massage is a beneficial means for the mother to relax and and promote circulation within the body.



CST Is a soft, whole body treatment developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. This gentle method utilizes touch no greater than 5 grams of pressure (the weight of a nickel) to release restrictions in soft tissues surrounding the central nervous system. CST helps to alleviate aches and pains, improves coping mechanisms for stress, and assists the body's natural self care mechanisms.